Tarot and Gypsy Cards

Tarot and Gypsy Cards

The Tarot allows for a greater depth in the psychic plane, addressing more complex issues and behavior patterns.
While the Cigano deck is more pragmatic, that is, it offers simple and direct answers (such as, for example, Yes or no).

Tarot deck: origin

The first historical records of Tarot printing were in Italy, at the time of the Renaissance, between the 14th and 15th centuries.

This deck has 78 cards, complex interpretation extracted from Major Arcana and Minor Arcana and addresses the Divine field with the Major Arcana and complementary subjects with the Minor Arcana.

It has greater complexity in its elements, so the reading of symbols is meticulous and observed to understand the definition of meanings according to the question asked.

Gypsy deck: origin

The deck of cards emerged in France during the Napoleonic Era at the hands of Marie Anne Adelaide Lenormand, a famous esotericist born in the city of Alençon.

The gypsy deck has 36 cards, a more direct interpretation, 210 years of existence and a language that comes from the culture of a people, being more connected to the actions of man.

He is known to have symbols with more current meanings (for example: representation of the dog as fidelity).

Which of the two decks is better?

Both respond to questions accurately and effectively, having the same ability to reflect and interpret.

That is: both are good, so it depends on the personal taste of each one and their affinities with the oracle.

In the end, what really matters is the success of the reading. Remembering that each professional develops their own characteristics through their beliefs.

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